January 10
Welcome! Review of Syllabus and Introductions.
1 - Introduction to Computational Social Science
January 15/17
Wednesday: What is Computational Social Science?
Friday: Hello World: Let’s Code!
No lab due this week, but please make sure you have R and RStudio installed (you can follow instructions in the lab video). Check out Lab #0 (linked below) to make sure you have everything set up correctly.
Sign up in pairs for reading presentations beginning next week here.
Can Data Science Help us Fight COVID-19?
Required Reading:
- Matthew Salganik. (1) Bit by Bit: Introduction, (2) Bit by Bit: Observing Behavior
Optional Materials:
- David Lazer et al. Life in the network: the coming age of computational social science.
- David Donoho. 50 Years of Data Science
- Eszter Hargittai. Is Bigger Always Better? Potential Biases of Big Data Derived from Social Network Sites.
- Joshua Blumenstock et al. Predicting Poverty and Wealth from Mobile Phone Data.
- Matthew Salganik. Bit by Bit: Asking Questions.
Lab #0: Getting Started with RStudio
Lab #0: Example Lab Markdown File (Ungraded)
Lab Video Lecture: Getting Started with RStudio Ungraded Assignment: Install R and R StudioOptional Resource:
2 - Ethics
January 22/24
Wednesday: How Can We Protect Human Subjects?
Friday: Coding Basics
Following Wednesday (1/29): Lab due by 5PM
Discussion questions for this week:
- Should researchers always be required to get the consent of the people they study?
- Is there ever a point where the scientific value of research should trump ethical concerns?
- Are the old ethical guidelines that Matt Salganik discusses in his book “Bit by bit” sufficient, or do we need new ones for the post-COVID era?
Ethics in Computational Social Science
Required Reading:
- Matthew Salganik. Bit by Bit: Ethics.
Optional Materials:
- Adam Kramer, Jamie Guillory, & Jeffrey Hancock. Emotional Contagion.
- Robinson Meyer. Everything We Know About Facebook’s Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment.
- Matt Salganik. Video: Ethics.
Lab #1: R Basics
Lab #1: R Basics (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: R BasicsMaterials from Video:
Optional Resource:
3 - Social Media & Polarization
January 29/31
Wednesday: Does Social Media Cause Harm?
Friday: Learning to Work with Data.
Discussion questions for this week:
- Have you ever been surprised by political developments that you did not see coming on social media?
- Do you feel like you are in an echo chamber on some platforms more than others? Why?
- Do you think TikTok makes the echo chamber effect stronger or weaker?
Following Wednesday (2/5): Lab due by 5PM
Do our Platforms Push us Apart?
Required Reading:
- John Bohannon. Is Facebook keeping you in a political bubble?.
- Eytan Bakshy et al. Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook.
Optional Materials:
- Eli Pariser Beware Online Filter Bubbles
- Pablo Barbera & Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld How to Use Social Media Data for Political Science Research.
Lab #2: Data Wrangling
Lab #2: Data Wrangling (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Data "Wrangling"Materials from Video:
Optional resources:
4 - The Echo Chamber
February 5/7
Wednesday: The Echo Chamber
Friday: Visualizing Society
Following Wednesday (2/12): Lab due by 5PM
Group discussion questions for this week:
- A major limitation of the study we read this week is that it only examined Twitter users– do you think exposing people to opposing views on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or other platforms would have a similar effect? Why or Why not?
- The study found that Republicans tend to double-down in their pre-existing views when they are exposed to opposing views more strongly than Democrats - develop some hypotheses about why this might have happened;
- The accounts retweeted by the bots in the study retweeted high profile “opinion leaders” (e.g. elected officials, journalists, etc). Do you think the effects would have been different if they had retweeted non-elite partisans instead?
Should we Break our Echo Chambers?
Required reading:
- Chris Bail, et al. Exposure to opposing views on social media can increase political polarization.
Optional Materials:
- Qi Yang et al. Mitigating the Backfire Effect.
- Chris Bail. Video: Building Apps and Bots for Social Science Research.
Lab #3: Data Visualization
Lab #3: Data Visualization (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Data VisualizationMaterials from Video:
- Download Apple Mobility .csv File (You may need to right-click link and choose "save link as".)
Optional resources:
5 - Social Networks and Health
February 12 (in person)/14 (in person)
Wednesday: How do our Social Relationships Shape our Health?
Friday: Learning how to Iterate (in person demo)
Following Wednesday: Lab due by 5PM
Group discussion questions for this week:
- How do the three causes of similarity—induction, homophily, and confounding—outlined by Nicholas Christakis, contribute to our understanding of patterns in voting behavior and political polarization?
- Reflecting on your personal experiences, in what ways has your social network influenced your health?
- What are some ways in which the structure of social networks has changed since the rise of social media?
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks
Required reading:
- Nicholas Christakis & James Fowler. Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How they Shape Our Lives (Chapter One).
Optional Materials:
- Duncan Watts. How small is the world, really?.
- David Austin. How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web’s Haystack.
Lab #4: Programming Basics
Lab #4: Programming Basics (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: ProgrammingMaterials from Video:
Optional Resources:
6 - Getting a Job (Online Pre-Recorded)
February 19 (online)/21 (in person)
Wednesday: How will Networks Shape your Career? No in person class, to watch online!
Group discussion questions for this week:
- How did you find your last job?
- do you know anyone who’s gotten their job from a weak tie?
- How could social network analysis help you find a job?
Friday: Let’s code up some networks! In person demo
Lab due Following Wednesday by 5pm
How to find a job (and Succeed Once you Get One)
Required reading:
- Charles Kadushin. Making Connections: An Introduction to social network concepts and findings (Intro and Chapter One)
Optional Materials:
- Mark Granovetter. The Strength of Weak Ties.
- Carolyn Bentley. Introduction to Structural Holes Theory.
Lab #5: Coding Social Networks
Lab #5: Coding Social Networks (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Coding Social NetworksMaterials from Video:
Required reading:
- Intro to Network Analysis with R, by Jesse Sadle
- Network analysis with R and igraph: NetSci X Tutorial (Parts 2-7), by Katya Ognyanova
7 - Responsible AI Symposium
February 26
Wednesday: Surprise Guest Lecturer
Friday: Responsible AI Symposium Day 1 (Karsh Auditorium)
Saturday: Responsible AI Symposium Day 2 (Karsh Auditorium)
Following Wednesday: no lab due.
8 - Data Privacy & Working with APIs
March 5/7
Wednesday: Data Privacy and Surveillance Capitalism
Group discussion questions for this week:
- Who should have access to your data?
- Do you care more or less about privacy than your parent’s generation?
Friday: Working with APIs
Surveillance Capitalism (Shoshana Zuboff)
Optional reading:
- Kieran Healy. Using Metadata to Find Paul Revere.
Optional Materials:
- Shoshanna Zuboff. You are Now Remotely Controlled
Lab #6: Working with APIs
Lab #6: Working with APIs [updated]
Lab Video Lecture: Intro to APIS for Computational Social ScientistsOptional reading:
- Intro to APIs , by Beck Williams
- An Illustrated Introduction to APIs , by Xavier Adam
- Setup for spotifyr
- Obtaining and using access tokens for Twitter
March 12/14
Spring Break! Lab 6 will be due March 19.
9 - Algorithms and Discrimination (Online Pre-Recorded)
March 19/21
Wednesday: AI Bias (no in person class, watch video online)
Friday: Intro to text analysis (no in person class, watch video online)
Following Wednesday: Lab due by 5PM
Group discussion questions for this week:
- Have you, personally, ever experienced an algorithm recommend something to you that you think might create social inequality? If so, tell the rest of your group about it.
- In this class, we always encourage you to evaluate issues with evidence or data. Can you think of a way to design a study that could measure whether algorithms create social inequality?
- Google, Facebook, and many other large companies have created large teams specifically dedicated to creating fairness in Artificial Intelligence. Do you think it’s possible for people on those teams to independently audit or evaluate social inequality without some type of bias?
Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression (Safiya Noble)
Required reading:
- Sendhil Mullainathan. Biased Algorithms Are Easier to Fix Than Biased People.
- Alisha Haridasani Gupta. Are Algorithms Sexist?.
- Gavin Edwards. Machine Learning, An Introduction.
Optional Materials:
- Karen Hao. How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
- Alex Hanna and Meredith Whittaker. Timnit Gebru’s Exit From Google Exposes a Crisis in AI
- David Lazer et al. The Parable of the Google Flu
Lab #7: Introduction to text analysis
Lab #7: Introduction to Text Analysis (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Introduction to text analysisMaterials from Video:
Required reading:
- R for Data Science: Strings (chapter 14)
10 - Hate Speech & Radicalization
March 26/28
Wednesday: Does Hate Spread more Quickly Online?
Friday: More Text Analysis!
Following Wednesday: Lab due by 5PM
Using Google Search to Track Radicalization
Required reading:
- Alexandra Siegal & Vivienne Badaan. #No2Sectarianism: Experimental Approaches to Reducing Sectarian Hate Speech Online.
Optional Materials:
- Paris Martineau. Maybe It’s Not YouTube’s Algorithm That Radicalizes People
- Kevin Munger. Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted
- Chris Bail et al. Using Internet Search Data to examine the relationship between anti-Muslim and pro-ISIS sentiment in U.S. counties
Lab #8: Word counts and dictionaries
Lab #8: Word Counts and Dictionaries (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Word counts and dictionariesMaterials from Video:
Required reading:
- R for Data Science: Strings (chapter 14)
- Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach, by Julia Silge and David Robinson
cheet sheet
11 - Misinformation and LLMS
April 2/4
*Wednesday: Does Misinformation Work?
*Friday: Large Language Models
Following Wednesday: Lab due by 5PM
(Note: meetings w Dr Bail will be on Friday 4/11 and Wed 4/16. Sign up for these meetings here)
Discussion questions for this week:
- Have you ever been the target of trolling or a misinformation campaign? Was it successful? Why or why not?
- Do you think we need new studies to examine the role of misinformation about COVID that may be different than the type propagated by the Russia-linked IRA?
- What types of policies do you think that social media companies and the government should consider to address misinformation, if any?
Did Russia’s Social Media Campaign Succeed?
Required reading:
- Gordon Pennycook and David Rand, Fighting misinformation on social media using crowdsourced judgments of news source quality
Optional Materials:
- Andrew Guess et al. Less than you think: Prevalence and predictors of fake news dissemination on Facebook.
- Chris Bail et al. Asessing the Impact of the Russian Internet Research Agency’s Impact on the Political Attitudes and Behaviors of U.S. Twitter Users.
- The Supreme Court of Facebook on The New Yorker Radio Hour
Lab #9: Large Language Models
Lab #10: Large Language Models (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
Lab Video Lecture: Large Language ModelsMaterials from Video:
More Resources:
12 - Modeling and Communication & Tutorials 1-1 Meetings
April 9/11
Wednesday: Making a social science Model & Communicating your results
Friday: Tutorials: 1-1 Meetings (sign up link here)
Labs: There are two labs listed here. Complete the lab on Modeling.
Presentations begin next week: sign up link here.
Social Science Modeling (A Brief Introduction)
Lab #7: Introduction to modeling
Lab Video Lecture: ModelingMaterials from Video:
Required reading:
- R for Data Science: Modeling (Chapters 23-25)
Communicating Your Research
No graded assignment this week-- apply communication or collaboration skills to your final project instead.
Lab #10: Final Project Hypotheses
Lab #9: Final Project Hypotheses (due the following Wednesday by 5PM)
13 - Tutorials: 1-1 meetings & Presentations Begin
Wednesday: Tutorials: 1-1 Meetings (sign up link here)
Friday: Presentations Begin (sign up link here
Final presentations during normal class time and place (10:05 - 11:20 am). Sign up
14: Presentations
April 23
Wednesday Presentations (and LDOC)
Final presentations during normal class time and place (10:05 - 11:20 am). Sign up link here
15 - Final Paper Due
Final paper DUE Monday, April 28th at 5:00 pm (submit via Slack DM to Professor Bail and TA).